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Pennsylvania in the Civil War

Jake Wynn
Nov 8, 2019
"One common calamity" - A November 1864 lament over the Civil War's devastating costs
A newspaper editorial lamented the horrific costs of the Civil War in a November 1864 editorial in the Pottsville "Miners' Journal."

Jake Wynn
Oct 16, 2019
National honors to Rebel dead? - A blistering letter about Confederate graves at Antietam
In 1868, the representative of Westmoreland County in Congress spoke out in favor of excluding Confederate war dead from national cemeteries
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Kendrick Gibbs
Sep 17, 2019
Hurried to eternity - The bodies of two York County soldiers returned home after Antietam
In the wake of the Battle of Antietam, families of the those killed-in-action sought to bring their loved ones home for burial.

Jake Wynn
Sep 6, 2019
Governor Andrew Curtin's response to Confederate invasion threat - September 1862
In September 1862, Confederate forces crossed the Potomac River and became a dangerous threat to Andrew Curtin's Pennsylvania.

Kendrick Gibbs
Jul 26, 2019
A "Wildcat" in Libby Prison - Letters from Stephen Sartwell's POW Experience
A Jefferson County native wrote to his wife about his time as a prisoner-of-war and how he felt to finally be free.

Jake Wynn
Jul 23, 2019
"The destructiveness of war" - The Altoona Tribune's visit to the Antietam battlefield
In the days after the Battle of Antietam, a team of Pennsylvania journalists arrived on the battlefield to report on what they saw.

Jake Wynn
Jul 17, 2019
A bloody altercation between an officer and his soldiers in the aftermath of Gettysburg
A confrontation between an officer and two soldiers turned bloody in the days after the Battle of Gettysburg.

Codie Eash
Jul 12, 2019
“A Terrible, and Yet Glorious Reality”: The Adams Sentinel on the Immediate Meaning of Gettysburg
An Adams County newspaper editor grappled with the meaning and consequences of the Battle of Gettysburg in the weeks after the fight.

Jake Wynn
Jul 7, 2019
"A deplorable scene" - A description of Gettysburg after the battle
A reporter from Harrisburg's Patriot and Union newspaper described the scene at Gettysburg in the days after the 1863 battle.
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Kendrick Gibbs
Jul 6, 2019
"Penalty Upon Patriotism" - The 151st Pennsylvania's Public Call for Soldier Voting Rights
"Is it possible that we love our country less, and are we less worthy to be instructed by it than before we took up arms to defend it?"

Codie Eash
Jun 29, 2019
"Sons of Liberty, Go Forth": James McCarter and the 93rd Pennsylvania on the Road to Gettysburg
Colonel James McCarter's powerful speech to his troops in the 93rd Pennsylvania on their march to Gettysburg.

Rich Condon
Jun 23, 2019
“Tragedy on the Potomac"- A Peace Time Catastrophe for Hampton’s Independent Battery
"This morning was dark and lowering... reminding one of the flashing eyes of some demon..."

Jake Wynn
Jun 15, 2019
"A Splendid Sight" - An account of the burning of the Wrightsville Bridge in June 1863
A soldier from the Coal Region details his experience in York County during the Gettysburg Campaign in a letter.

Kendrick Gibbs
Jun 14, 2019
"There is hope for you": The 166th Pennsylvania Drafted Militia and the 1862 Draft
The story of a drafted militia unit organized in Pennsylvania in 1862.
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